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Location: Paktika Total Beneficiaries: 6585 Main Activities: The project focused on providing educational services to the IDPs, Refugees, and the most marginalized communities in Paktika as well as providing income generation measures to the targeted people. In addition, the project had other activities such as Kankor preparation classes for high school students, literacy and vocational courses, with community awareness programs. Besides that, the project was considered as a consortium grant in Afghanistan and Pakistan, by SPARC in Pakistan, Aschiana, And AWEC in Afghanistan. Goals: Improving the education level of targeted communities, income generation for vulnerable and destitute people, and improving social cohesion. Key achievements: At the very beginning, this project faced significant challenges during the initiation and registration of MOU, Furthermore, at the same stage the government collapsed, and activities were stopped, but despite all the challenges, AWEC managed to work and sign the MOU and begin activities during the project AWEC organized Peace building events in which more than 150 Beneficiaries were covered, and over 750 students participated in CBE classes, in which one class of CBE classes was dedicated to refugees in that province, and vocational trainings were provided to more than 50 IPDs, marginalized community members in Paktita Province.

Education Cannot Wait (ECW)
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises. ECW works in close partnership with governments, public and private donors, UN agencies, civil society organizations, and other humanitarian and development aid actors to increase efficiencies and end siloed responses. Afghan Women’s Education Center (AWEC) implement ECW-Education project in Paktia Province and provide quality Education to 2030 children including 60 % girls through 58 teachers. 58 Community-Based Education (CBE) is being established in Zurmat and Sayad Karam districts of Paktia province so that deprived children get access to quality education. The Community Education Council will supervise the above-mentioned classes and provide support to the children. The project will run for two years, beginning in May 2023 and finishing in April 2025.